SASFED advocates for South African filmmakersanimatorsscreen actorsperformance writersvideo editorssound editorsproducerspersonal agentsVFX designersAV specialists
The South African Screen Federation (SASFED) is the national federation of independent film, television and audio-visual industry organisations in South Africa. SASFED represents a broad spectrum of industry players who engage on industry
strategy, policy and interventions to empower, unify and strengthen the SA screen industry.
SASFED stands for a united, non-racial, non-sexist and democratic South Africa. The federation is working towards a film and television industry that deeply and fairly fulfils its economic, social and cultural potential.
Latest news from the film and entertainment industry from South Africa and abroad! SASFED Members! Do you have an RSS feed? Please contact to get a direct link to your news from this page.
SASFED proudly represents South Africa’s independent film and television industries. If you belong to an industry professional body that is not yet part of SASFED, please ask your executives to contact us about membership.
SASFED represents the collective and unified interests of the South African independent film and television industry. For this reason we call for a full investigation by relevant authorities into the matter.