SASFED Council Representative: Carlynn de Waal-Smit; Alternate: Jack Devnarain
SAGA (South African Guild Of Actors) was established to:
- Regulate relations between actors and film/television/theatre/radio producers, including any film/television/theatre/radio producer organisations;
- To perform and protect interests of its members;
- To plan and organize its administration and lawful activities; to co-operate with or join local or international organisations, where it is in the interests of SAGA to do so;
- To promote, support or oppose any proposed legislative or other measures affecting the interests of its members; to use every legitimate means to induce actors to become members;
- To provide legal assistance to members in connection with their contracts with film/ television/ theatre/ radio producers;
- To encourage the settlement of disputes between members and film/ television/ theatre producers or organisations of such by conciliation, mediation or arbitration; to organise and represent members of SAGA for the purpose of collective bargaining;
- To do such lawful things as may appear to be in the interests of SAGA and its members and which are not inconsistent with the objects or any matter specifically provided for in its Constitution;
- To borrow, invest, lend, subscribe or donate money for the furtherance of the objects of SAGA and to establish educational, social and charitable enterprises for the general welfare and advancement of SAGA members.
Contact Information
- Postnet Suite 165, Private Bag X9, Melville, 2109
- +27 11 726- 6076