SASFED Council Representative: Shameela Seedat, Alternate: Dylan Valley

The Documentary Filmmakers’ Association (DFA) was established to nurture and develop the interests of documentary filmmakers in South Africa.

The documentary film genre stimulates public discourse, reflects on social, political, cultural and current events, explores history, commemorates heritage and unearths the mysteries of the universe and the planet. Documentaries tell stories of ordinary and extraordinary people and communities – they celebrate, question, investigate and reflect.

The DFA aims to create a unified voice for documentary filmmakers and gain recognition for this genre of filmmaking in South Africa. The association addresses the specific needs of documentary filmmakers and networks with related industry bodies, in the interests of documentary filmmakers.

It remains the only association in South Africa with the sole purpose of assisting, protecting and promoting documentary filmmakers. The DFA is a member of SASFED (The South African Screen Federation).

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