Has someone reported a case of sexual harassment to you, and you need help with the next steps? The SCO programme provides an impartial, professional and confidential service to the industry.

Contact SWIFT by SMS or email to learn more.

  • 43101
  • Email SCO@swift.org.za

About Safety Contact Officers?

Safety Contact Officers are:

  • Custodians of information and awareness, primarily dealing with sexual harassment.
  • Professionals with psycho-social and counselling backgrounds with a preventative risk-management focused.
  • A support structure, to document and facilitate reporting and mediation of sexual harassment complaints.
  • Trained by TOKISO in the legal framework and procedures relating to sexual harassment in South Africa.

About the Safety Contact Officer (SCO) Programme

SWIFT aims to ensure that safe and respectful workspaces are created through collaborative partnerships with production companies who have a duty of care and responsibility, in terms of Section 6 of the Employment Equity Act and the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act and to ensure that everyone working or employed on their production sets and offices are protected.

The Code of Good Practice on handling sexual harassment is an initiative that was pioneered by SWIFT to educate and create the appropriate industry awareness and was implemented through the Safety Contact Officer (SCO) Programme.