How do I join as an individual?

Please support SASFED by joining one of our Member organisations. SASFED encourages all it’s members to adopt policies and implement programmes ensuring deliberate access by historically disadvantaged Black South Africans at all levels of their organisations and industry sectors.

How do I join as an organisation?

SASFED proudly represents the collective core of South Africa’s creative sector, for the independent film and television industries. If you belong to an industry professional body that is not yet part of SASFED, please ask your executives to contact us about membership.

Who are your members?
Who do you partner with?
  • SASFED engages with the National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF) at quarterly meetings to discuss industry strategy, policy and interventions
  • SASFED holds two permanent seats on the Board of the  South African Film and Television Awards (SAFTAS).
  • SASFED is also a Board member of The SOS Coalition campaigning for democratic media and broadcasting, as well as excellent programming by the public broadcaster.
  • Representation on the Digital Television Advisory Group, ICASA
  • Representation on the DSAC Audio-visual Reference Group